Tuesday, January 9, 2007

hug those friends of yours!!

I was blessed to go out with two girlfriends last night...Panera is a great place to meet, but they close a little early for my tastes!! We had a great time, laughing, catching up and in general just being together. It's a rare gift to be able to be completely honest with someone and they love you anyway. I have that in these two ladies...
and then I read the paper to find out a friend of mine from 13 yeas ago died. I literally can't keep the tears from forming in my eyes... we had lost touch as her daughter graduated and I quit bowling, but she was a kind and wonderful woman. Far too young to die. I"m kerflempt.
As I was thinking about what I was going write today, about yesterday being such a full day, (and it was) nothing seems quite so important or bright or accomplished anymore.
Here's a quote I found a long time ago and I've held on to it for years...so I want to keep it here for prosperity

I believe
in the spirit of the innocence,
the wonder that shapes us and leads us to dream.
I believe that life is a gift to be unwrapped everyday and given freely to those in need.
I believe that even in our darkest hour;
we can take a deep breath and start all over agian.
Most of all, I believe in the power of love and that in the end it will heal us all.

That's the kind of person MaryAnn was.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Somebody that I know??