Wednesday, May 9, 2007

In less than two weeks...

so many things will be changing.

My niece will be a high school graduate, heading off to college int he fall. Our little Meeshie all grown up into this amazing woman. Funny, articulate, enthusiastic, confident. She's so come into her own identity in the last few years; and it could have been so different. I'm super proud of her and just love hanging with her. If I had a myspace, she'd be in my top 8 for sure!! Her graduation is in 13 days.

We head for Spartanburg in 12 days...a long drive, but we have a commitment on Sunday night that will probably run late and I don't want to have to get up at 4:00 to catch my flight out. I hate role conflict. It will give Paul and I a good chance to talk. The last road trip we went on ended so badly we almost ended up divorced in the aftermath. It will be good to reclaim that activity...we used to take them all the time and i LOVED them!!

Speaking of road trips, still trying to put together a girls roadtrip...wouldn't that be fun? Just say : well, let's take two weeks and head west. Love it!!
MOPS will be over 2 weeks from today. Sigh. This has been a great year and I feel like I was able to really invest in the ladies, not distracted with my personal problems. I'll miss those meetings...they are like one big party for the most part!! And great food!! YUMMMMMMMM

We'll be done with school at the end of this week. It's the first year in about 7 that we were finished on time, without drama, and it sure feels good. No family health crises that derailed us for months. No marriage problems. No children problems. Yep. It's good to have peace.

In two weeks, my brother will be another year older...I miss him in my life. We used to be super close, but as most adult children do, we drifted apart. He's so busy working all the time. I do worry about him having balance. Doesn't seem to be much of it sometimes.

In two weeks, Mother's Day will have passed. Which reminds me I need to call my mom. Last year I didn't see Cassie at all on Mother's Day. I wonder what this year will bring. I'm glad for the healing in our relationship in the last six months. It was not without tears or grief, but it seems to me we are in a pretty good place now.

Hopefully, in two weeks the fires will be out in Fl. This picture is from my niece's friend. Its actually the smoke from a wildfire...which brings me to my final in less than two weeks...I get to see her!! WOOHOO!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Lot's going on there too. I have a funny story my cousin shared with me. Pop on over to read it. Have a great Mother's Day Weekend!