Monday, February 11, 2008

It takes 20 years to become

an overnight success and it will take that long for me to be current in scrapbooking, but here's a start!! I went to an all day crop and got pages 10 done. It's been fun to look at these old pictures and take a little trip down memory lane. I laughed out loud at some of them, and of course Joseph had to come in to see what I was doing and joined me.
So here are my favorites from this weekend...

This one is from a day we took my niece Tori out for her birthday. She was queen for the day and we had a great time. Unfortunately, she moved right after this and we were never able to do it again. My intent was do make it a yearly tradition.
I used a Becky HIggins sketch and some ancient paper and some random yellow ribbon that was just laying on the table. It's one of my favorite visual layouts from the crop.

I didn't even know I had these pictures. They were mixed in with vacation shots (actually, all of these were...) and I was pleasantly surprised to have an opportunity to scrap such a great event. I love going women's events. They energize me and always give me some life changing nugget. The nugget that year was "zippered heart". The concept that we can have conflicting feelings side by side and that they don't need to be resolved. I've used that phrase thousands of times since then. It just perfectly describes some things!!

The layout was from a sketh challenge from Luv2scrap, withthe same left over paper and a charm I've had for YEARS and never used. The ribbon is an olive color that matches the leaves and I like how this one turned out...

These I love for the pure memories of those days...One with Cassie the easter before JOseph was born when we were at Linda's for an egg hunt in her backyard int he city...the others in the years since Joseph was born. Since they were going to be side by side, I wanted them to visually similar without being twinkies. So funny to see a kit that dates to the 2002-2003 range with a brand-new cricut title cut out.

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