Friday, July 18, 2008

Haven't posted in six weeks...

I remember thinking the night of that Barak won the democratic nomination I should post. I was so moved by Hillary Clinton's speech, not because I like her (really, if you know me, you know I FOAM at the mouth DISLIKE them) but because here was a woman standing on a national platform, putting a woman's touch to politics...and it really made me realize that what I used to proclaim to the world was true. A girl can grow up to be ANYTHING these days. My daughter chose wife and mom, a great choice, but if she had chosen politics, it is a possibility now. Not a dream. My grandchildren will live in a very different world because of Hillary Clinton's run for office.
Then there was the ramping up for my bday and Melissa's trip and my trip to WA. And came home to Paul not acting on the ultimatum I gave him the day I left...
and a trip to a divorce attorney. Five days of crying to the point of my chest hurting, crying in my sleep, and crying some more.
I don't know what's going to happen from here, but I know I need to start reclaiming what was my life before his addiction came to light. So if he wants to do nothing and proclaim that all is well, even with a mountain of events proclaiming otherwise, he can. I just can't live on the crazy train any more.

1 comment:

Coffee_Cassie said...

good for you. As the chinese say, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." it's not easy, but it is necessary.