is over. Saturday I worked on Meesh's bday present, and tripped the memory light fantastic. I sure wish they still lived in GB. Selfish, I know, but I miss them as much now as when they first moved; maybe more.
It was seriously just a crazy busy weekend and I"m not even sure why!! I scrapbooked, which was nice. I'll have to upload some of the layouts. I can't even remember Friday night... What's THAT about? Alzheimer's, senility, exhaustion...
Saturday, I had a friend (hey Birgit!!) drop by with this delicious chocolate smelling one minute manicure. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fabulous. OMG!! It was like a zero cal treat...I just kept smelling my hands.
Today, it was church (very emotional and sad...there were shots of Cassie in the slide show and I was so caught off guard and cried the rest of the way through service)
Then Peg came over for breakfast and stayed till 4:00. SHe just cracks me up. She is one of the most real people I know...and she does goofy things like me (set her apartment on fire, for example!!)
Small group...man we laughed and laughed at the end of the evening. Which was good because I, for one, needed it. Silliness reigned...you know the laugh out loud, who can get the last crack in before we leave (Rick won!)...and some of us shared our very abbreviated testimonies of where we saw God's hand in our lives and what we were like before.
I was miserable...mean, sarcastic, judgmental. I literally get tears in my eyes at the kind of person I was then, and how that person pops up from time to time. Just when I think she's gone, WHOOPS!! There she is! Sigh...God's still got alot of work to do in me!!
FInally got to wear my leopard print cardigan...to reflect my animal like strength the other day. Luckily, I did not create any holes...maybe my super strength is fading.
Man...I LOOOOOOVE corned beef. Yummo. Just fabulous. So fabulous, in fact, that I burned the roof of my mouth (reminded me of how dad used to do that on my cookies!!) because I didn't wait for it to cool long enough.
Last addled thought for the night...look what's budding!!!
are you kidding me...a leopard print cardigan???? HAVE I TAUGHT YOU NOTHING!!!!!!
UH....LISTEN MISSY!!! Stacy London was wearing the same one on what not to wear...and you may recall she is the HOSTESS!! It looked fabulous. Sigh. Now I have to take a picture and prove it!!
And...an additional little factoid... I found a great hoody like your white one and am wearing it as we speak...jealous? Mine isn't falling apart!! nanananana!!
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