Friday, March 30, 2007

does this look like it would take

till 4 in the mornng? I told Lynda I needed to leave at 2:00, which was 3 hours after the house was silent, and then we talked for two more hours. I heard the birds singing when I came home to my OWN silent house.

God is sooooo good...

Meesh got to FL ok

My heart is at peace

My kids are healthy

I have great friends who challenge and accept me for who I am

the birds are singing and trees are budding

and on a lighter note, I fit into my goal jeans and have 10 perfect nails (one with some weird acrylic coating on it, but it's all me underneath!!)

1 comment:

Lynda said...


I didn't believe it could happen but out talks get better AND BETTER
every hour after 2 am!!!!!!
Do I hear 4:30, 4:45, 5????
5:15....5:30? 6? lol
I love our talks. Love, love, love them!!!

And speaking of that...I cracked up with the link with this post.
Jokester students on the loose!!!!
love & hugs~