and in a good way!!
Saturday, I woke up with picking up Cassie on my agenda. We were supposed to spend the day together. Then Paul called and we talked for 30 minutes about his meeting, so I was late before I even got dressed. Oh well...it was a good conversation, and for today, he's aware of how defensive he is and wants to change that. If he sticks to it, that one behavior change would majorly impact our marriage, and probably all of his relationships. I think he defenses are the number one destructive thing we get stalled on.
Go get Cassie, did some running around, went to Lorraine's Bridal to look at dresses, but they no longer are in business. Ended up on the East side, near where Melissa and I ate lunch this summer. So while we're looking for wedding dresses, I'm remembering how much fun this summer was. We found some dresses that Cassie LOVED...her style is very similar to mine when Paul and I were getting married. I think the measurement thing was a little depressing for her, and the price thing was daunting for me (HOW will they pay for this wedding when they can barely make rent????), But it's not my problem to solve...just walk along side her while she and Chris hopefully solve it in a way that works for both of them. Doesn't seem like that is how things go in their relationship, but I don't have to see that daily either. Just makes me sad for her...how she's talking is the way Paul and I were at 10 years of marriage, as I was losing him to his addiction, but didn't know the specifics. It's really hard to watch, but I'm getting better and better at not even TRYING to control it, to talk "sense" into her, to do anything but hang out.
Anyway, we talked and laughed through our appointed time for a movie. So we went to the mall and did a little shopping. She found some earrings she likes and a cute necklace she can wear two ways...and still has money left on her Express gift card.
By the time the family "what are you doing" talk, that always seems to happen when Paul is added into events with Cassie was over, it was 830 and time to get her home. So we drop her off and come home to Joseph in the driveway...
talk to him about his evening and it's time for bed.
Sunday is church, with a great guest speaker. She talked about form over substance and how we mistake form/structure with substance/relationship. And that it takes both to succeed. Really good points.
Came home, ate pancakes as always, race off to see ZODIAC, which we didn't know was almost 3 hours. Have ONE hour to make AND eat dinner, make muffins, wrap Dana's present and write out her card, clean up and get Joseph to Grace. Well, we didn't make it...once again we were the laters.
Small group was..well...small. LOL Literally half the group was gone for one reason or another. But it was great to hang out and listen to everyone's take on grace in their life, and eat some yummy chocolate!!
Whew!! Home, day is done...
Oh...here's a new layout I did. What a super fun day this was with Meesh.
A dare online for scrapping is to scrap: WHAT IS the QUESTION YOU ARE AFRAID TO ASK?
Mine is...what else don't I know... It applies to soooo many areas. It's just another opportunity to develop trust with God in my life.
I saw this on a friend's blog...and can see how SOOOOO Many of these are things to remember:
TWENTY THREE, in fact...
Saturday, I woke up with picking up Cassie on my agenda. We were supposed to spend the day together. Then Paul called and we talked for 30 minutes about his meeting, so I was late before I even got dressed. Oh well...it was a good conversation, and for today, he's aware of how defensive he is and wants to change that. If he sticks to it, that one behavior change would majorly impact our marriage, and probably all of his relationships. I think he defenses are the number one destructive thing we get stalled on.
Go get Cassie, did some running around, went to Lorraine's Bridal to look at dresses, but they no longer are in business. Ended up on the East side, near where Melissa and I ate lunch this summer. So while we're looking for wedding dresses, I'm remembering how much fun this summer was. We found some dresses that Cassie LOVED...her style is very similar to mine when Paul and I were getting married. I think the measurement thing was a little depressing for her, and the price thing was daunting for me (HOW will they pay for this wedding when they can barely make rent????), But it's not my problem to solve...just walk along side her while she and Chris hopefully solve it in a way that works for both of them. Doesn't seem like that is how things go in their relationship, but I don't have to see that daily either. Just makes me sad for her...how she's talking is the way Paul and I were at 10 years of marriage, as I was losing him to his addiction, but didn't know the specifics. It's really hard to watch, but I'm getting better and better at not even TRYING to control it, to talk "sense" into her, to do anything but hang out.
Anyway, we talked and laughed through our appointed time for a movie. So we went to the mall and did a little shopping. She found some earrings she likes and a cute necklace she can wear two ways...and still has money left on her Express gift card.
By the time the family "what are you doing" talk, that always seems to happen when Paul is added into events with Cassie was over, it was 830 and time to get her home. So we drop her off and come home to Joseph in the driveway...
talk to him about his evening and it's time for bed.
Sunday is church, with a great guest speaker. She talked about form over substance and how we mistake form/structure with substance/relationship. And that it takes both to succeed. Really good points.
Came home, ate pancakes as always, race off to see ZODIAC, which we didn't know was almost 3 hours. Have ONE hour to make AND eat dinner, make muffins, wrap Dana's present and write out her card, clean up and get Joseph to Grace. Well, we didn't make it...once again we were the laters.
Small group was..well...small. LOL Literally half the group was gone for one reason or another. But it was great to hang out and listen to everyone's take on grace in their life, and eat some yummy chocolate!!
Whew!! Home, day is done...
Oh...here's a new layout I did. What a super fun day this was with Meesh.
A dare online for scrapping is to scrap: WHAT IS the QUESTION YOU ARE AFRAID TO ASK?
Mine is...what else don't I know... It applies to soooo many areas. It's just another opportunity to develop trust with God in my life.
I saw this on a friend's blog...and can see how SOOOOO Many of these are things to remember:
TWENTY THREE, in fact...
1. No one can ruin your day without your permission.
2. Most people will be about as happy as they decide to be.
3. Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently.
4. Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will have.
5. Success stops when you do.
6. When your ship comes in. ... make sure you are willing to unload it.
7. You will never "have it all together."
8. Life is a journey...not a destination. Enjoy the trip!
9. The biggest lie on the planet: "When I get what I want, I will be happy."
10. The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
11. I've learned that ultimately, 'takers' lose and 'givers' win.
12. Life's precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.
13. If you don't start it's certain you won't arrive.
14. We often fear the thing we want the most.
15. He or she who laughs......lasts.
16. Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
17. Look for opportunities...not guarantees.
18. Life is what's coming....not what was.
19. Success is getting up one more time.
20. Now is the most interesting time of all.
21. When things go wrong.....don't go with them.
22. Spend your time with the people you love and the people who nurture your soul.
23. Jesus Loves you more than you can ever ever know......rest in that love
My five things
1) sweat...I love working out and feeling stronger, sore muscles and all
2) my formerly perfect 10 nails...THEY ARE REAL!!! (I'm down to 8, so they will be gone when you see me again)
3) laughing with Cassie and just hanging out
4) the sounds of Joseph and his friends having so much fun today
5) this blog...I process an awful lot of things that would otherwise probably NEVER get figured out...
I love the picture of you & Cassie.
I love the picture of Joseph laughing. Your scrapbook page looks GREAT!!!! I REALLY enjoyed the speaker at church too. What a nice weekend you had Geriann. No
one deserves it more.
love & hugs & blessings~
thanks lynda...
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