I had 18 women at my house last night...all the local people that I love, minus 1 who didn't make it after all...well, and a few who "just don't do stamps". We made some great cards...and I was able to give Sherrie the soup cookbook I made for her. I hope that it blesses her not only with recipes, but also with the reminder that her Sista loves and prays for her often...even if I don't stalk her...which I do't have to do because she's ALREADY a regular in my life!! WOOHOO!!
I can't belive how much laughter was echoing on the walls...I"m reminded and humbled once again of the great group of women I have been honored to know and become friends with over the years...and they all blended so well!! And, for the record, Dana Turner is doggone funny!! She's (1)got great funny stories that actually happen and (2) tells them like a pro!!
I'm leaving for NC on Saturday, just in time to escape the bitter cold that seems to have hit IL. I hate flying. really really really hate it. Hate everything about it. It's almost enough to make me cancel my trip, but I know that Dor and I need to have some heart to heart time...and I hope her heart is soft enough to hear what I have to say. I love her to death and so feel for her struggles and challenges in this season of her life...hope I can help!!
It's snowing big fluffy snowflakes here...and it starting to look like it may actually cover things. ANd I'm drinking my tea with a chocolate spoon my sweeties gave me for Chfrsitmas. Yummy!! Of course the edge is taken off this lovely picture by the "kill your mother music" I am listening to in the background...gotta love 15 year olds!! Trying to tell if it's a christian band or not...no clue since I can't recognize any words!! LOL (if there are actually discernible words in the song!!)
So we've gotten half way through January and I'm pretty good with my new years resolutions and I only have one little retun left to have Christmas behind me!! woohooo!!! I found a book that's specifically set upfor 15 minute devo's. I'm going to try it and if it works, out to ebay go the others!!
I took the REALAGE test and I"m 37 years old REALLY but 43 (YIKES>>>almost 44) in chronological years. WOOHOO!! I wonder what it would have been if I didn't have asthma and cancer. The test seemed to frown upon that!!
Hooked up with some MOPS moms this morning...I sure love those guys. There just aren't' that many places we are invited to be real...and these guys are the ONES!! Actually, I crashed one of their meetings, but they didn't care and neither do I. Not sure what the topic of the meeting was, but we ended up planning a scrapbook gathering and I"m really excited about THAT!!
Muffie's still in tact...off to exercise!
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