to the 4th BIGGEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! (after my wedding, and of course the kids' birth). ..I seriously cannot remember when I've been this excited...I get absolutely giddy every time I think of it...the SUPERBOWL!! Now, if they were just playing here so the Colts could get a taste of some REAL cold weather...but alas. Miami is so much more appealing in February!! I've got my Brian jersey (too bad Tank's wasn't around...he is MY GUY!!!) and the my grey and blue shirt that I wore home from NC...and the orange shirt that has a glittery "BEARS". Tomorrow is my last non-bears clothing day...and if they kick me out of the church (not likely!!) for wearing a football jersey, oh well...guess I"ll have to find a church that can take Bear fanatics...COZ I've waiting 21 LOOONNG, many DRYYYYYYYY years for this weekend...And Rex got his haircut for the occasion, but he still can't grow facial hair. Still, it was great to see him interviewed with his dad an dhow much they love and respect each other...now if he can just throw the darn ball on Sunday he may get off my hit list for a while... :)
Now, on to my actual life....
Let's see...went to see Cassie's new place on Sunday. I never actually got warm enough to take off my coat, but I really liked how open it was and it's clean and painted white and she doesn't have to lock up her food. Nice guy is there, roomie JP, who cooks and helps clean...and is funny and personable. Seriously like him!! Two cats, one of which is white and kinda freaky in my humble opinion, so I'm glad for her with that. We all pine away for a cat, but given Paul's almost deadly allergy to it, most days we opt for him over the purring!! Now I can go visit her and get my fill of kitty...till someone smokes..then it's "thanks for having me, gotta go!! Poor JP was making tacos for us for dinner on Sunday and we bolted when Chris and his friend lit up. I just canNOT do cold and smoke, and since I can avoid smoke, that's the one I control.
Heard there was a great sale at Old Navy, not that any of my peeps told me WHEN it was going on...just bragged about their great deals, like $1.97 long sleeve Ts...oh the pain!! THE PAIN!!! I did, however, score some yoga pants that Paul actually THOUGHT I WORE OUTSIDE!! PULEEZE...how long have we been married??? On the other hand, I was pretty freakin' sick this week and perhaps was indicating that I may have considered that...but NOT! I know I"m a freak, but seriously, the last time I wore sweats outside was to Hearts at Home about 4 years ago...light blue cutie ones. Anyway, I love them because they are heavy and long in the legs and tight in the butt (I hate droopers), so it's all good. And I"m no longer strangling my entire abdomen area trying to do pilates in jeans. I'm sure my tummy thanks me and will soon show its gratitude by shrinking ever so much!!
Cropped over at Sherrie's house on Monday night...I saved my entire conversation for that evening. But mostly I laughed at everyone else's insanity...oh my gosh. It takes about 2.5 seconds for us to all start laughing about nothing at all, and then another 2.5 for it to end up being about some body function (usually sex!!) I got 9 cards made and was only a little MORE sick on Tuesday for my efforts...or maybe it was the 4 brownies I ate (DARN YOU KIMBERLEE PATTON AND YOUR PEPPERMINT BROWNiES!!) Sherrie is seriously one of the nicest, most encouraging, real women I know and I"m so glad we did that bible study together so I could get to know her.
MOPS today...it was on what a woman/mom needs...and two of the ladies talked about perspective and one talked about hope. IT was a great reminder, to me, to do a mental check for myself...it's so hard sometimes to keep an accurate perspective on things as they are unfolding. Especially if it involves Paul telling me how hard he's working and how he doesn't want to work anymore, just BE. Sheesh. I wonder what he would have done if we were in each other's shoes these past two years...He'd never make it as a mom...which, of course, is why God, in HIS infinite wisdom, didn't make him one!! I'm seriously so thankful for these last two years...even if the source of growing so much was so painful. I've learned so much about me and relating to others, about not assuming that we know the whole story, about supporting and not fixing. And I think one of the top 10 things I have learned is that my friendships are treasures...not to be taken for granted!! I am blessed...
Sheryl, from my scrapping loop...is taking flat GA on a trip to a crop for this weekend. The best of both worlds...me (well, flat me, which is a picture of my head on a giant paper clip!!) scrapping in one place and watching the superbowl in another!! WOOHOO!
Speaking of which: I think I should make a sign for my viewing standards for Sunday:
(1) speak only during commercials... or time outs
(2) do not criticize, EVER, the D line of the Bears. I am the only one who can do that!!
(3) Do not eat food loudly enough to interfere with the play by play
(4) Discussions of plays during game time are limited to time outs and replays.
(5) Pregame is treated as if it was the game...
(6) Don't EVEN think about answering the phone (or calling me!!)
Do you think that's too harsh? No really, do you???
Parting thought...I"m trying to hook up with my niece for spring break..we're thinking Washington DC...I love that place!! I'll bet by now everything that was "closed for renovations" (which, btw, was half the stinking town) is done. That was 4 years ago...even US government doesn't work THAT slow!!
Not too harsh at all!!!!!!!!!
how about hooking up in Orlando.
We will be there from the 1st or March 31st for 4 days?
That would be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya BFF'
LoL...doing pilates in JEANS!!! No wonder you can't have a 6 pack. Thank GOODNESS you didn't tell me this one earlier, or you totalllly would've been ridiculed much like the rum pum pum pum...in that same category. Ps...i know if you are going to orlando to meet dor, you'll be seeing your niecy!!! LOVE YA!! Hope you're feeling better :-) I love this blog!
Well, that's why I bought sweats...so don't even go there missy!!
And as for trips, well, I"m sure my blog for today says it all...
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