Well it's been a crazy almost week...
Watched Grey's and about lost it...so much like when my dad died and just a few days before the anniversary of his death. I hate when art imitates my life!!
Then...off to NC for a weekend of sun and warmth **NOT***. It was cold and gray most of the time I was there... But there's something great about walking down the concourse and seeing a soul sister texting you to see where you are!! Off to Wa-Ho, where I ate the world's best breakfast and there is nothing in IL that compares...really, truly, grandma's breakfast right there in front of me!! Non stop talking on the details of life, heart to hearts on the inner workings of our minds and hearts and downright challenges of being Christian women...laughing and crying and eating and shopping, and just being still with each other...for the 2.5 seconds that we were. It was like a weekend slumber party...talking till late and then falling asleep in that cat bed...man those felines were territorial!!
Great church service, super pastor...man he just begs for souls, with tears in his voice. And then that song played...I'm giving You my heart and all that is within I lay it all down for the sake of You my King I'm giving you my dreams, I'm laying down my rights I'm giving up my pride for the promise of new life
And I surrenderAll to You, all to You
Im singing You this song, Im waiting at the cross And all the world holds dear, I count it all as loss For the sake of knowing Your for the glory of Your nameTo know the lastin joy, even sharing in Your pain
It reminds me of how far God has brought me in the last year. And now, on to my entitlement which I am darn sure is not helping my Christian walk....it's ugly on other people and must be just as ugly on me. So, I'm giving Him my entitled heart, and all that is within...And I surrenderAll to You, all to You
Im singing You this song, Im waiting at the cross And all the world holds dear, I count it all as loss For the sake of knowing Your for the glory of Your nameTo know the lastin joy, even sharing in Your pain
And then the Bears!! The tragedy of NC is that most of NC is made up of Saints and Steeler's fans... We went to the most civilized sports on EARTH, drinking chocolate martini's and eating nachos and being the only two loud bears fans in the joint. We got louder with each subsequent play. And then some Saints guys starts buying me beers, as if to drown my sorrows, but he snuck out the 3rd quarter because he couldn't face me!! And when I told him I don't drink beer, do you think that cheap Saints guy (boy was he drunk!!) offered to buy me what i WAS drinking??? OH no...... Seriously, Dor and I got louder with each passing quarter, and must to my niece's surprise, NO I WAS NOT DRUNK, but I sure was HAPPYYYYYYYYY!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!! There's nothing like it...and I just LOOOOOVE LOVEY!!! I think it's referred to as playoff fever or football inibriation....
And starting the 3rd quarter, my phone never quit ringing/texting/ringing...and little miss Meliss was my biggest contributor!! that girl needs to come hang with some serious bears fans...we were both fish out of water with being surrounded by other fans...so sad that people can't see the FABULOSO-ness of my bears!! Even Rex sorta stepped up...which for him is seriously stepping up!! LOL Just one more game...and then I have to wait for next year.
On to Concord Mills and my Carvel fix...sadly, no chocolate covered waffle cone, but it sure was fabulous...and Joseph's jeans were a major coup!! The only place that carries his size is Dillard's, and they don't' even KNOW that they do...but I knew where to look, so SUCCESS!! Now if I could just get them online, but then I wouldn't have the thrill of finding them!!
Poor Dori couldn't keep up with my pace at the mills...amateur!! I guess she'll have to start training now for the next time...
As usual, the trip was too short, but I'm glad I went...and Katie and I had some great talks. That girl is seriously talented with creative writing and I hope she sticks to it. Every time I go, I leave a book for her to read, but I think next time the book I read will be hers!!
And note to Mellie...I finished the puzzle we were working on...thanks for the help!!
Back home to seeing my breath and Paul's dinner was great...my bathroom ceiling is white once again and sleeping in my own bed was fabulous...
I am blessed to have so many people who love me...and a great football team!! TWENTY ONE YEARS...the last time they were in the Superbowl was the year Paul and I got married. It is only right that THIS year they play again....and the superbowl shuffle is all over the internet again...i think these guys need to make one...Shuffle part deux!!
1 comment:
Well Ger, what can I say, I made the blog, I am back in your life, your heart and the BLOG. LOL. HOW LUCKY AM I REALLY. To have you for mybff, soul sista and confidant.
I dont know what I did in my previous life to diserve a friend like you but thank you LORD and I miss you and I really think the cats do too, in their own way of course.
Planning my trip there already. Seriously, how is March looking for you? Maybe I could hit both my church's women conference and assemblies? Gimmie the date.
Love you more than this coffee that is my source of life right now.
Love you oodles and oodles.
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