for the first time in about 5 years. Paul kept looking at me last night, shaking his head and saying it just doesn't even look like me any more. I look so different. On and on. I like it. New look, new focus in 2009...2 days into fitness....working out again. Man, if I would ever get it in my head that it's easier to keep going than to start up again, I'd be so much better off!!
Doing my measurements and realizing I'm 13" bigger than I was 2 years ago is enough to make me stick to it I think. I'm not going to focus on what I am...but on what I want to be. Healthy. Strong. Non-hormonal (with Body by God, it was the case). Sleeping better. So far, so good.
You have had bangs before... they've just been side-swept. I'm surprised Dad noticed. He doesn't usually pay attention to that kind of stuff.
Yep...I had them 5 years ago, give or take!! And he was there when they got cut...hard to miss the 4 inches of hair on the floor!! LOL
hehe.. time to update! I'm going to do mine while Ronnie's napping later. IF he naps later.
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