Two big events this winter...the Packer game and Cassie's delivery. So the packer game is frigid and bitter cold. And we get dumped with LOTS of snow the night before Cassie goes to the hospital. I wanted the baby to know what kind of day he was born on, but I skipped the pix of 13 accidents I saw on the way to the hospital.
Just to give you an idea, I bottomed out everywhere until I hit 80...which is where all the accidents occurred.
But got there and parked next to a drift about twice my size...and off we went.

Her labor was induced about 8 am, and after 15 hours, and three pushes, here he IS!! She really was amazingly strong and just did whatever she had to do next. No complaints and no whining. Just strength and determination.
Paul and Joseph headed up to the hospital about 11:20, and arrived just in time for the nurse to decide to help Cassie take a shower and clean the baby up a bit. So we sat out in the waiting room for an hour before delivering her gourmet cuisine...McDonald's double cheeseburgers!!

And here is our little sweet pea. This morning, after laying on Cassie's chest most of the night, he is quite pink and round and looking very very much like Cassie did at 3 months. He has Chris' dimples and black hair, but not much of it at all.
Ronald Nathaniel, 7 lbs, 3 oz. 20 inches long.
Born at exactly 11:00 on 2/1/2008.

Congratulations to all of you!!! You all look SO happy. And what a doll Nate is!!!!! Just adorable!!! Happy Birthday Nate!!!
THANK YOU for putting those photos up!! You all look so happy :-) I'm so happy everything went well!! Love you! Happy Happy birthday N-A-T-E!!
Congrats to you all! That is quite a smile on your face. Praying all goes well and Cassie and Chris adjust to the new found joys of "parenting". Awesome! Awesome!! Awesome!!!
It is amazing how the world can seem upside down and all is wrong, one look at that precious face and you know there IS a GOD and you KNOW it is ALL RIGHT!!!!
He is perfect.
Congrats to all, give my love to Cassie, and enjoy being a Grandma Ger.
Love you
Congratulations, Ger-ma!! He's friggin' adorable!
Congratulations!! Such a sweet baby! You SHOULD be proud of your little girl, Geriann! Three pushes?!?! WOW! She's amazingly strong (just like her Mom). Love you!
And how delicious they were, too.... after almost 20 hours of no food, I could've even eaten mushrooms and onions and been greatful for THEM! Never did get that shower... the water didn't warm up enough, and I wasn't about to have my first shower be a frigid one.
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