that taking 50 pix of my little man is excessive? That would be how many were shot tonight while we were babysitting...not counting our phone pix. He's just so darn cute and it takes 10 pix to get a good one, but here are some of my faves from tonight....
Cassie and Chris dropped him off about 345 and I had him all to myself till about 615. It was a real hardship, but I managed. After figuring out how to set up a pack and play, after 3 hours, I figured out we wont' need that for SOME time. He's just little and easy to hold and so darn compact. Anyway, here he is in all his glory!!

Who are you going to vote for??? Let me think...

Can they not tell I have a dirty diaper? Paul changed him too soon...and the he pooped as Paul was changing him...which is why I always waited. LOL
Our first self portrait. That's what it's going to take to get me in a picture!!

What a beautiful baby. Love the selp portrait too! He looks like quite the thinker.
Sorry ~ I meant the "SELF" portrait.
so much for the pacifier idea last night. He didn't want anything but Mommy, and Mommy didn't want anything but SLEEP. Guess who won?
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