They hand if off to the (1) novice Xbox player with (2) no rhythm and (3) poor eye hand co-ordination. Well, at least I THOUGHT I looked good...till the pix came back. Sigh. SO here it is...
me playing guitar hero on the easiest setting,with the easiest song. I failed. FLUNKED Guitar Hero...and it did it at the 25% through the song point. Sigh.
Guess it's a good thing I have other hobbies!! LOL
And you know those pictures you see of yourself that you just hate??? Usually, that's not me. but i seriously hate this picture and how I look in it. And I thought I looked pretty good yesterday...sigh
Way-ul... they should've showed you how to hold the guitar first, and THEN had you play it.... and don't worry, I flunked like my first 5 songs. If I can flunk 5 being Ms. Music, and still come back to win some, I think there's still hope for you.
Lol!! Soo funny. And all i have to say is Meesh thought she was going to comment on my hair on the july 3rd pictures?? HELLO!! WHAT DOES SHE THINK SHE LOOKS LIKE!! And she looks rather warm!!LOL
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