It was Saturday, a good day for me, since I was having the monthly gathering of my pals... I knew alot of people weren't going to make it this month for a variety of reasons, but I was still looking forward to it.
Salad night and flavored teas. Who knew that tea was such a dangerous concoction??? We were sitting around chatting: where would we go if money and time were no object, which segued into how we met our husbands, doing the wrong thing and trying to make it right by doing it the "right" way, motorized scooter mishaps, snoring, etc. You get the idea...we were on our typical roll. We were laughing as always, just enjoying some time to be women, not someone's mom, daughter, wife. Just our silly selves... taking self portraits such as this one!!
then I leaned down to pick up my iced tea...and couldn't get up. I"m not talking a little twinge. I'm talking about eye watering, can barely breathe, CANNOT move pain. This is where I"m supposed to tell you some face saving story like "I pushed a child out of the way of a moving car" or "I saw toxic ooze and used my body to shield it, contorting it in some unrecognizable position, thus harming myself but saving humanity". Once everyone was done laughing and sharing THEIR back-wrenching stories, we settled into praying for my back to be healed, icing it (thank GOD Paul got the bag of ice he usually resists) and continuing the talk...of mentoring, Judson's 4th of July bash and respective church services.

By Sunday morning it was better (thanks Cindi...ice on my butt all night did help!! But I have a tummy ache from the constant inflow of anti-inflammatories), but I still couldn't move around. So bed visits it was...Joseph, Paul and Cassie after church, then hobbling off to eat breakfast.
Cassie rededicated her life to Christ at church this week. I'm so excited for her and hope she can make the changes in her life that reflects that commitment. I know it will be hard; there are some pretty big adjustments she'll need to make to be aligned with her Christian values...but God has shown up once again in her life...strong and clear and unwavering....not like He is ever anything but...

So now it's post July 4th and my niece is in (Paul had to go get her since I still could barely sit up and definitely wouldn't have made THAT trip!!), we skipped the Taste so far,
but went to a mini class reunion where we hooked up with some old friends and laughed our butts off (that was before the whole back thing), and have played multiple card games but have so far dodged the deadly spoons game.

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