well, we needed a new router. Knew we did. Put it off as long as possible. But finally got it, and then took forever to install it. Joseph tried; couldn't do it (and got quite the attitude about it). I tried; side stepped the wizard that wasn't working anyway, but it wouldn't recognize the info from our computer. Step in PAUL, the least techno-geek person I know. Seriously. Can barely do email and has just conquered the web for car stuff in the last 6 months. He flips over the router and say "did you try netgear.net instead of netgear.com?" BAM!! Instant fix. Oh the joy!! The relief!! The loss of a son...to Gears of War. Well, you can't win them all!!
Worked my booty off (sadly, only symbolically) yesterday. Walked with Melissa C (that girl can MOVE), did my pilates tape (I'm getting closer to a roll up...woohooo!), did my 40 minutes on the bike (sweating, sweating...no glistening/glowing here!) and did my PT/weight training exercises while watching American Idol. Incidentally, I want the girl from Naperville to win. She's got edge. I like that. But there was that kid who did Tracie Chapman song, and I loved her voice. Joseph always comes up with these weird insights...as I was giving him my two second impression of all the girls, he's like "hey...you don't like any of the white girls"...until I got to the Naperville chick. But she's so bluesy...I guess I just like SOUL, in music an din people. Stay tuned for his next weird insight (his last one was, "All those women who age well are not married")
Quote of the day
“Unless we can hear each other singing and crying, unless we can comfort each other's failures and cheer each other's victories, we are missing out on the best that life has to offer. The only real action takes place on the bridge between people.”
Isn't that the truth??? We all are so busy pretending to have it all together, we forget that it's only when we drop our masks, dare to run into someone on a bridge, that we are truly intimate. Judy is seeing that BIG time in Seattle...everyone is a little too perfect, their marriages a little too wonderful, their kids a little tooo...well...tooooo much!! There's alot of loneliness in living with people who hide themselves... and then an invitation to insecurity (as in, what the heck is wrong with me to feel these thing/struggle with this, if no one else does???). But that is just a freakin' lie. We all struggle...we all have our stuff. Just some of us are better at identifying it and dealing with it than to need to hide it. I for one, am happy to drop my mask (not like it was ever on very straight anyway). I WANT to, LONG to, NEED to, see people int heir laughing and singing and crying. I have this inner radar for wanting to be with others in their failures and victories... and sometimes it's painful. So many people want to hide behind this mask of perfection and independence...to not get to the heart of things. To me that is just a wasted time, wasted life moments. I used to be so upset that people do things to check it off the list (ie, gifts that are meaningless, gatherings without heart, etc). But now I realize it's their problem, not mine. Their loss. God has blessed me with lots of heart sharing people in my life...and I count each one as precious!! I hope I can continue to invest in the lives of those people who want to be intimate and real and not a cut out version of a woman/friend/christian.
So...Meliss is loving her new internship and I"m loving that she is so excited about it...now to get over the GMAT this weekend...and the whole knee thing...the amazing thing is they actually made her take a drug test. I don't KNOW ANYBODY that has had to have one... or any one that talked about it...
Grey's tonight...watch. Meredith is NOT dead. My little prediction toward making the world a better place. LOL
Here's my 5 happy thoughts for today:
Sherrie is picking up my bread, so I don't have to!! WOOHOOO!!
Victoriously Frazzled picks up again...I've missed it
Strawberry tea from Teavana. Yummm....
The cold is supposed to be over and that means spring is NEAR!!!!
I'm below 37% body fat (36.9 and dropping) I don't know what a good % is, but I"m pretty sure over 1/3 of my body being FAT is not it...
yay mom!! Woooo! I'm still working on mine. Haven't been very motivated lately, but something happened yesterday that kicked my butt into gear.
working on your what? And what motivated you? Inquiring minds... smooches
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