of my heart. Thoughts I want to remember, moments I want to treasure, and growth I want to pursue.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Been Scrapping
Watching Ronnie for 10 days, while Chris recovers from surgery and have done more scrapping since he's been here than the month before!! As soon as he takes his nap or goes to bed for the night, I bolt to my scrapbooking room and start going. These are all old portraits found while cleaning the basement. I "deframed" them and scrapped them all!!
All inspired by an old Scrapbooks, Etc. magazine. All made from stash. Some of this stash is 15 years old! My focus for September is to: Do a layout a day and use alot of my brown stash. It's the only one that is stlll completely out of control!! LOL
Woman, sister, friend, mom, grandma, wife...my life has changed alot in the last few years and I've come to appreciate things I once took for granted.I know my peace and joy comes from within and I can choose to have it regardless of what is going on in my life.
1 comment:
I'm thinking about bringing the sweatshirts back!
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