there's a new king in town. A little guy who has hijacked my blog. So the stories (and there are several) will wait for another day. His adoring public has spoken...

I love this picture. Every time I look at it, I laugh. And I look at it alot. My Prison Break wallpaper has been booted for the cutie patootie.

And this one was originally a reject, but I love how they are looking at each other so intently. We are pathetic. Seriously. This little guy is the center of the house when he enters....

Even though Joseph's eyes are closed in this, or so squinchee, they look closed, I just love this. He's finally holding him like he's not afraid and was talking to him and acting a previously inferred in the last set of comments.

This one is frame worthy. Darn it. The perfect frame for it was one I didn't get today. I'm going back tomorrow. I hope it's there!!
Seriously...he is edible!!

Look at him checking out mommy!! Cassie looks better every time I see her; I little less exhausted each time. Darn little guy needs to start sleeping at night...
We matched on this particular day, but for some unknown reason, there are NO pix of me and my little guy.
Good thing I'm seeing him tomorrow!!
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