So here's a great shot of my little man's dimples and him holding his head up. He's so strong...this is early (7 weeks) to be doing THAT!! Isnt' he a cutie patootie?
Paul probably didn't think so as he was having a blow out and decorating not only himself, but the blanket he was on and Paul's jeans...brown. LOL It was perfect timing for me, since I had just handed him over like 3 minutes earlier!! LOL
It's been such an eventful week here!!
Met Dana for lunch. I miss her. It was great talking to her...catching up and laughing at ourselves. Can't wait to see their new house...
We had a reunion with my beloved youth group from St John's. I just love those guys. Seriously. I'm thinking I"ll make it a day before Easter tradition. We had a great time catching up. I was jumping up and down and squealing when some of them showed up...I hadn't seen them in 5 years. They are all grown up now...and doing well. Jose is a college grad; Caroling and Martha are both working and going to school part time; Margie, Flor and Claudia are all full time working women; Victor is a carpenter and Felipe is an architecture student; Cassie and Nydia are both moms full time. I'm proud of them!!
Then Easter here with Cassie and Chris and Ronnie; a ridiculously long egg hunt. Why? Because Joseph had to tell Paul that he was going to hide them this year; that he was done looking. Then changed his mind, said that this would be his last year Paul was, well, in a word, evil. Joseph spent an hour looking for eggs. AN HOUR!! Went to the point where his basket was hidden THREE TIMES and couldn't find it!! LOL I was laughing my head off.
We celebrated Cassie's bday witha dump cake, but forgot to sing happy birthday. Dopes. She ended up staying when Chris had to leave, so we got to visit made me happy. It always does. I love our relationship these days.
Then, her actual bday. Met for lunch, did a little shopping and alot of talking and laughing. Just had a great day...
Let's see...then Meesh's bday. Talked to her in her very few spare minutes between class and lectures and birthday dinner.
OMG>>>>In the midst of this, found out one of my nieces (Dawn) is pregnant. She's not sure when she's due, will find out April 8th. So here we go on the hunt for cheap/free baby goods. We've already got a crib and bouncy/vibrator seat, and a little baby gym for floor play.
I've got a ton of phone calls to catch up from this past week...that's on my to do list this afternoon~~