it's not a big deal, In fact, had I not hurt it the way I did, I doubt it would even be worth mentioning!!
And no, it wasn't AT a game. This picture is courtesy of my friend who DID go to a game and sent me some pix...I'll live vicariously through her!!
I was minding my own business, wearing my as-yet-undefaced Rex shirt (yes, I GOT one and just need the fabric paint to go to town on that one!!!), watchin a very intense game. Oh, very intense. First, intensely woeful, then intensely texted, and finally just intensely competitive. My boys were looking rough. ANd then I don't remember the play, but it was a gwoodie!! Freakish screaming, jumping up and down and high fives all around. Yeah. High fiving hurt my thumb. An injury to wear with pride. And so, it's the lead item on my (holy smokes it's almost been a week AGAIN) blog!!
FINALLY>>>>The Bears and my lovie came through for me. Make that a capitol L. LOVIE. He did look a bit ticked on Sunday...which Joseph pointed out via text and promptly was texted back "you're grounded". No more comments from THAT peanut gallery!!
OK, so back to my real life. Well...my Monday through Saturday life. Did a little scrapping and projecting (as in, doing projects, not barfing or skipping into the future mentally!!) and am quite happy to say that my desk is cleared off. Looking darn good if I do say so myself!!
I made this gratitude journal, and instead of doing dates, which is how most people do their's, I did categories: Family, journey and friends. I might do more to the inside cover, but I'm happy with it. I used my crop a dile, which I'm loving to pop holes in this thick cover. YEAH!! It's a darn good tool...one that is meant to be shared!!
Joseph went to get his license on Saturday. It was closed. He thinks he's destined not to get it. I told him third times a charm. Don't know what I'll say if he doesn't make it tomorrow, when he's planning on going AGAIN!!

Cassie and I spent the day together today. It was very nice. Really relaxing and fun and just girl time...no agenda but to find maternity pants that fit. Check. Done. And now I know she's a size 12 so I can go to the resale shop without her and still get something that will fit. She's got a little baby bump. That darn little guy wouldn't kick for ME today. Sheesh. A little respect...LOL
At present, she's wearing two pair that my friend Lana gave her...thank GOD again for my friends. My sanity, my laughter, my maternity hookup!! They are the best...
And another niece, who shall remain nameless, burned her backside in a tanning booth. Why she told me, I'm not sure. But when I texted her the next day to see how her rear end was feeling... yep. Still sore. Mental note: do not let my naked bum be anywhere it can receive a sunburn.
This is a book quote journal I did as part of a challenge...the next image is the inside cover. I was pretty happy with the result of these...and again, all from my stash!!
Rick and Dana are moving. Sigh. Got nothing to say after that. Ok, well I do. I hope that this move is good for them, that this church realizes what gems they are, values them and embraces them and speaks blessings over them. Now, I have nothing to say after that.
1 comment:
high fiving hurt your thumb??? Who were you high fiving? I'll stay away from them! Yeah... bare butts and tanning booths.. don't know who thought that was a good combo, but clearly they'll think again!! Yeesh....
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