Wednesday, October 31, 2007
It's been a pretty tough week this past week, and quite frankly, I am being carried through on faith and scripture and prayers of friends and family.
Business meeting last week was a joke, as usual. Dog and pony show and a one way ticket out the door for many people. I promised Karla I would stay through the business meeting and I did. I'm glad to be released from this fight. Went to Southwest this weekend and really liked it. The people are not friendly, and I mean AT ALL. But our small group was there and I know 2 other people, so it'll bridge the gap till I meet more people. It's great to hear preaching from the Bible, not a little Bible squeezed in the preaching and stories and jokes. Then there was the disastrous game. Sigh.
Friday I told Paul I wanted a divorce and if he wasn't going to do that to move into the guest room. After COMMITTING almost 3 weeks ago to fight for our marriage, to plug into Joseph daily and do his recovery work daily and talk to me about it, ten days roll out with nothing but silence. More silence. More time. Waiting. Sinking realization that nothing is happening. More time. Fights. Silence. Finally, after 10 days, I say "SO I guess you aren't doing anything to fight for our marriage Paul?", to which he responds "I have been doing it. There just was nothing new to talk about so I didn't." That was Wednesday. I just don't want to spend the rest of my life pressuring, prodding, fighting, creating a crisis to make anything happen.
So Friday, of course, I have MOPS and SS and shove it all aside at MOPS and cry through SS for the most part. He comes home and has all this stuff he wants to share. AGAIN. It's a crisis, and he doesn't show up till his back is against the wall.
It makes me so sad for him. that he wold be willing to accept this kind of life, because he's afraid to let his feelings show. But if he won't show anger or grief, he also can't feel joy, or hope, or love. And the light dawns for me. NO WONDER I don't feel loved by him, and never have. You can't pick and choose which feelings you have...only feeling the good ones and never the bad.
I want him to be healthy, and whole, and how God made him to be. Not shut down, controlling and afraid. I want him to experience freedom and faith and God's amazing love and grace. Not think he has to do something to earn it or whatever it is that he thinks. I'm so sad for him, for us. For Joseph to have to watch this. For Cassie, grappling with whether she is responsible or not (NOT). For Paul. That he feels, for a brief moment, and then shuts himself down again. Life the Iceman Cometh. It's crushing to watch him do it again and again. Because I know what comes next in this process, of him shutting down his thoughts feelings and realizations. They quit coming. He quits. We lose.
I love him fiercely. Have since we were 13. Looking into his eyes, and thinking back to that track and the lockers and the catwalk, leaning against his car and kissing on my birthday. I don't think that love will ever go away. Get buried maybe, under hurt and disappointment and all that. He is the man God chose for me, brought into my life, formed our marriage and family.
And so, here it is again. I pray. I cry out to God. Literally, tears on my face, Lord help me, help us. Heal him, heal me, heal our family. And I wait.
Hoping that this time is different, but realizing that it's shaping up like all the other times. Waiting for a miracle, hoping for Paul to hear and respond this time. But is it hope when I really don't think that he will? We've been down this road so many agonizing times. God shows up, softens my heart, convicts and makes Paul aware. Paul shuts down. Round 47 or 470. I don' t know any more.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
You is great...
So I went to check our usage, like I always do...and surprise!! In the last week it went from the typical $100 cell phone bill to a $706 bill. Literally. I thought I was going to throw up. Then he thought he was going to when I got online and saw the detail that it was him. Then he informs me, in varying stages: (1) he was checking his myspace from his phone and (2) he was chatting online from his phone and (3) uh...woke up a couple of times several hours later with his phone still on and the Internet still connected. I think I know what one caused the problem.
Amidst much wailing and gnashing of teeth, 90% of his last check, current check (good thing he didn't buy anything with it) and his next check will go to at&t wireless via Paul and Geriann.
But besides that it was a good day!! LOL Still completely hoarse. And the upside of that little fiasco (yes, there is an upside to EVERYTHING) is we got it decreased by 10% because of Paul's job at Ford. And...switched to a package that made more sense anyway but one that we didn't know about. SO now we have unlimited texting to everyone and also picture and multimedia messages for the same price as we were paying for my unlimited mobile to mobiles and his 1500 text package. Which means I can text Cass again. Yeah!!
At first he thought AT&T should have let him know he was running low. I pointed out that in the adult world, where cell phones live, major corporations DO not have the responsibility of telling someone they are about to get pounded with a huge bill the customer ran up. It's the customer's responsibility to know what services he has used, and what applicable charges are being added. Oh the pain...seriously. Poor kid. He loves his money. He loved his cell phone. Not sure about that last one any more.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
It's a good day...
Because we woke up
Because we are healthy
Because we draw breath
Because we CAN praise God
Because we are loved
Because we are created in love
Because He holds our life in His hands
Because His spirit lives in us
Because we get re-does
Because we are forgiven
Because we can forgive (ok, so sometimes it's not easy)
Because He is trustworthy
Because He is constant
Because He is kind
Because He is merciful
Because it is all we can give back...
and the list goes on...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Busy, long, sick week

So Tuesday night I went to Bible study. Have been going a couple of months now. Didn't expect much, especially when I called Lynda to say I was late (skirmish at home) but would be there, and she said everyone else cancelled and she hadn't heard from Vicki.

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Slept through plan A today,
The final song were these words:
I'm at a loss for words, there's nothing to say
I sit in silence wondering what led me to this place
How did my heart become so lifeless and cold
Where did the passion go?
When all my efforts seem like chasing wind
I've used up all my strength and there's nothing left to give
I've lost the feeling and I'm numb to the core
I can't fake it anymore.
chorus:Here I am at the end
I'm in need of resurrection
Only You can take this empty shell and raise it from the dead
What I've lost to the world what seems far beyond redemption
You can take the pieces in Your hand and make me whole again, again
You speak and all creation falls to its knees
You raise Your hand and calm the waves of the raging sea
You have a way of turning winter to spring
Make something beautiful out of all this suffering
chorus 2:Here I am once again I'm in need of resurrection
Only You can take this empty shell and raise it from the dead
What I've lost to the world what seems far beyond redemption
You can take the pieces in Your hand and make me whole again, again
You have a way of turning winter to spring
Make something beautiful out of all this suffering
This literally has been the worse week in my marriage. Ever. I am tired. I am heartbroken and weary. And I am out of ideas of what to do. I long for peace, for a time when I don't feel like a failure, judged and found lacking, for a solution, not an excuse. It's been two and a half years of exhausting efforts, and at the end I'm told "when you pay off this bill enough, then I will be able to work on my resentment toward you and work on my part of restoring our marriage". He's blacking out of conversations, forgetting what is said, maybe realizing what I've been saying for months: you are right back where you are but instead of porn, it's money. I know I will only get through this by the grace of God. But what does the end of the road look like?
Now I've had to answer the crappy questions to both of my kids "are you two going to make it?", Cassie the day before she turned 17 and Joseph, yesterday, with "I don't know. It's up to your dad at this point." Joseph never asked. It breaks my heart. He hears us and knows. It's not like you can hide things from your kids no matter how skilled we think we are at it. They SNIFF out trouble, like a fresh brownie. And darn me for telling them I"d always be honest with them. Why couldn't I just lie and say "yeah, sure." then what? When he hears me crying or coughing in the living room at 2 in the morning. He knows. Even when I say "no, I just can't sleep". He knows.
I hate that my kids have to pay ANY price for our stuff. That my nieces and nephews are so disappointed and scared and hurt. That Joseph texts "I'm scared". It's not fair. And I don't know what to do beyond pray and get a job to pay off this all powerful bill.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
GUESS WHAT?????????????

Monday, October 8, 2007
I hurt my thumb

I made this gratitude journal, and instead of doing dates, which is how most people do their's, I did categories: Family, journey and friends. I might do more to the inside cover, but I'm happy with it. I used my crop a dile, which I'm loving to pop holes in this thick cover. YEAH!! It's a darn good that is meant to be shared!!
Joseph went to get his license on Saturday. It was closed. He thinks he's destined not to get it. I told him third times a charm. Don't know what I'll say if he doesn't make it tomorrow, when he's planning on going AGAIN!!

Rick and Dana are moving. Sigh. Got nothing to say after that. Ok, well I do. I hope that this move is good for them, that this church realizes what gems they are, values them and embraces them and speaks blessings over them. Now, I have nothing to say after that.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Ok, so it's only Wednesday, but this week...