Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dor's on her way...

in her rental car from Midway airport. We have hardly any plans but to hang out and visit and hang out some more. I'm looking forward to it. This kicks off the travel/visit frenzy of the summer.
I booked my niece's tix to come July 2nd, exactly 10 minutes before she called and said "AG, I was thinking about going to FL for July 4th". Grrrr....isn't that the way things happen??? But I win. (Sorry meliss!!) and she's coming here. First stop when she gets off the plane...Taste of Chicago. Gotta have some gator on a stick. And fried rav's. And rainbow ice cream. It's difficult but someone's gotta do it. you know what happens when the top to the teabrewer is left off? Nothing. It does not brew. It makes alot of steam. A lot of noise. What it doesn't make a lot of is tea. Just another incident in the "proof that I"m a dork" file. Not to mention the flinging of the eyeliner so I had a lovely green stripey on my vanity instead of my eye. Oh well. At least I can fake and bake better than in the past. No stripes of tan. It's all over. Even though some would say I'm still pale, they are WRONG!! I'm tan. Really I am. I'd prove it but that sight might be scarring for life.
Off to have fun...

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