mosaic. That was my big insight this week. We define intimacy in a variety of ways, right? My husband defines it as telling me what is going on with him.
The definition on answers.com is:
The condition of being intimate. An instance of being intimate.
The condition of being intimate. An instance of being intimate.
How stupid is that???
Another definition:
intimacy n
Definition: closeness between people
Definition: closeness between people
Here's my definition and since it's my blog you are reading, I assume you care!! BWAHAHAHA!!
Intimacy is allowing others to see you, but also seeking to see into them. It is being honest when you don't have to. It's being real, knowing that showing who you really are is more important than impressing the person across from you.
It's sitting close enough to touch, or even touch, without feeling awkward. Hugging just for the heck of it...
It's sitting in silence and knowing it's ok...that it doesn't have to be a constant dialogue.
It's shopping with a friend on her cell phone because she wants your opinion..and remembering why that shopping trip is hard to do. And reminding her that it's ok to have it be hard.
It's reaching across a table and wiping away a tear. Or waiting for the emotion to get under control so the conversation can continue...or just crying together.
It's knowing where someone's wounds are and not lobbing emotional missiles at it just because you COULD.
It's knowing what game someone loves (and hates) and playing it, what their favorite food is and making it. It's being a student of those you love...and passing those pop quizzes.
It's sharing our faith stories, struggles and convictions. It's shared prayer.
It's being comfortable enough with friends to put your feet (not shoes)on their table and squirt whipped cream straight into your mouth.
It's brushing gnarled hair gently, using a half bottle of conditioner so it doesn't hurt so much.
It's staying up late talking...laughing...martini-ing...or not. It's honoring someone else's positions even if you don't agree.
It's knowing you can flop down anywhere, any time.
It's texting pix of no double chin...or a new size of clothes...just because you know they'd celebrate with you. It's texting good morning or knowing you can call before 10 (really!!)
Intimacy, to me, is the greatest honor given and the greatest reflection of growth in a relationship.
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